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Signalling Safely

Views : 388
Author : Tsialee
Update time : 2023-12-14 20:14:14
Signalling Safely
Motorcycle riding can be an exhilarating experience, providing a sense of freedom and excitement. However, along with this freedom comes the responsibility of riding safely and defensively. One crucial aspect of safe riding is the proper use of turn signals.
Failure to signal appropriately on a motorcycle can have dangerous and even fatal consequences. Unlike cars, motorcycles have only two small turn signals, making it more challenging for other drivers to see their intentions. Additionally, motorcycles themselves are smaller and harder to spot in traffic. Proper signaling provides advanced warning to other motorists about the motorcycle's next move, giving them more time to respond appropriately.
Without signals, other drivers may not anticipate a motorcyclist's lane change or turn, leading to collisions as they unexpectedly swerve into the motorcycle's path. Similarly, unsignaled motorcyclists may be misunderstood by other motorists, increasing the risk of accidents. Intersections pose a particularly hazardous situation, where turn signals convey crucial information about the direction each vehicle is heading.
According to a study by the Society of Automotive Engineers, nearly two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents are caused by other motorists failing to detect and recognize motorcycles. The proper use of turn signals helps make motorcycles and their next moves highly visible, dramatically reducing the chances of potentially fatal collisions.
Motorcycle turn signals come in various styles, but they all serve the same essential function. Hand signals involve the rider sticking their arm straight out to indicate a turn. While effective, this method requires removing a hand from the handlebars. Most riders nowadays opt for electrical turn signals, which are bright blinking lights mounted on the motorcycle's front, back, and sometimes sides. These signals can be easily activated using a switch on the handlebars.
Using turn signals properly provides numerous safety benefits, including alerting other drivers of your intentions, reducing the risk of crashes (especially at intersections), enhancing visibility, improving traffic flow, and preventing dangerous sudden braking or swerving by other motorists. It also reinforces safe riding habits and mindfulness on the road, projecting an image of experience and responsibility.
To use motorcycle turn signals effectively, it is essential to activate them well in advance, make signals clear and decisive, promptly cancel signals after completing a turn or lane change, use signals every time (even if you don't see other traffic), double-check signal function, and consider adding signaling to braking. Additionally, extra signaling distance and time should be allowed in wet or icy conditions to ensure safe reactions from other motorists.
To ensure optimal safety benefits, it is crucial to inspect turn signals frequently, conduct thorough pre-ride signal checks, and perform regular electrical system maintenance. By maintaining and checking the signal system consistently, motorcyclists can have confidence in their signals' reliability.
In conclusion, using turn signals is critical for safe motorcycle operation. They provide visual information to other motorists, helping to prevent accidents and protect both the rider and fellow drivers. Paying attention to this simple but essential practice of checking and using signals appropriately is necessary for responsible motorcycle riding.
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